"The Island was never alone" aims to deal with a series of co-operation initiatives for the heritage of the island of Mozambique, carried out through collaborations between foreign and Mozambican institutions over the last few decades.
It aims to trace a trajectory that goes from the surveys carried out in the 1980s by the Aarhus School of Architecture (Denmark), which culminated in the publication of the famous report known as the "Blue Book", to the actions of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, with the technical visit of architect Viana de Lima to the island, the exhibition and catalogue "The Island of Mozambique in Danger of Disappearing" - initiatives that were decisive for the inscription of the island on the UNESCO World Heritage List. More recent actions also stand out, such as the Muhipiti Workshops I and II, organised by the University of Coimbra in partnership with Eduardo Mondlane University and Lúrio University.
In the year in which the "Blue Book" celebrates the 40th anniversary of its publication, the event seeks to promote a reflective assessment of the relevance of cooperation networks and global mobilisation for development, the promotion of cultural diversity and improving the quality of life in cities. It is also intended as a tribute to all those who, in some way, have contributed and are contributing so that the values of Mozambique Island's heritage continue to be passed on between generations and to all of humanity.
Coordination: Marcela Santana | Walter Rossa
Collaboration: 25 de Abril Documentation Centre; Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation; Jens Hougaard; Isequiel Alcolete; Nuno Gonçalves; Raimundo Mendes da Silva.