"Abril Saiu à Rua - 5.0"

"Abril Saiu à Rua - 5.0" is one of the 45 projects supported by the "Art for Democracy" programme, an initiative of the Commemorative Commission for the 50th anniversary of 25 April in partnership with the Directorate-General for the Arts.

It proposes a revisiting of the murals that marked the streets of Portugal after 25 April and counts on the collaboration of CD25A-UC, as a partner organisation, in providing digital reproductions of photographic archives of April murals, such as those by Conceição Neuparth and Kátia Elsea.
The educational and awareness-raising dimensions of this artistic manifestation are combined with the creativity and technology components.
This project is based on the graphic elements of murals. These are elements created by a generation, most of which have already been destroyed, and which now have the chance to be given a new lease of life.
In order to share and enrich this experience, "Abril Saiu à Rua - 5.0" will organise several public presentations in schools under the National Arts Plan. In Coimbra, the sessions will take place on 8 May, at 10:30 a.m. at the Avelar Brotero Secondary School and at 2:30 p.m. at the D. Duarte Secondary School. Duarte Secondary School. Both presentations will be attended by:
● Rui Avelans Coelho, Master in New Media from FCSH and author of the project "Abril Saiu à Rua - 5.0";
● Maria Cristina Vieira de Freitas, director of the 25 April Documentation Centre at the University of Coimbra;
Guida Casella, PhD in Digital Media from the FCSH and a specialist in design and interactive digital content.
In this presentation, participants will have the opportunity to explore the web application and APP, which allow them to explore and create new virtual murals. These platforms combine graphic elements from historical murals with the creative freedom of users, thus promoting a dynamic approach to knowledge and reinterpretation.
By uniting past and present, tradition and innovation, "Abril Saiu à Rua - 5.0" aims to inspire future generations to value and contribute to the continuity of the legacy of post-25 April murals.
Those interested who do not attend the school should request access via e-mail: murais25abril@gmail.com
"Abril Saiu à Rua - 5.0" is available at:
Web application: https://murais25abril.art/

Mobile app: https://apps.apple.com/pt/app/murais25abril/id6476929418

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