Amílcar Cabral: fragments of a struggle

On the 12th of September 1924, Amílcar Cabral was born in Bafatá, the beginning of the life of a unique figure who dedicated himself to the anti-colonial struggle carried out by the African Liberation Movements, in collaboration with Portuguese oppositionists in the metropolis and in exile, denouncing Portuguese colonialist policy. As part of the Celebrar Amílcar Cabral - Amílcar Geração and Coimbra Commemorations of Amílcar Cabral's Centenary initiative, CD25A-UC brings together in a documentary exhibition testimonies of the liberation struggle in colonised countries, with a special focus on Amílcar Cabral's leadership of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde, and the attention that the international media paid to this struggle. Amílcar Cabral: fragments of a struggle will be on display in the CD25A-UC reading room from 9 to 13 September, at the following times: 09h30 - 12h30 / 14h00 - 17h00.